One day, one sentence, one paragraph.

I have decided that the note-worthy are worthy of note-taking.

Dear old me I must get up at 8am tomorrow morning if I am to make it to the Parliament tour.

I tried Gin for the first time tonight.

It is currently nearing 5am.

Well, I just got shot with meningitis today.

You know what’s weird?

Backing up photos is a NIGHTMARE!!!

What is wrong with me?

It is £79 to join the gym.

Elements of programming languages makes me want to kill myself exactly 24 times (I survived the first one today).

Well, what a day.

Oh what another day.

My tree of lights arrived today.

I honestly have no clue how I’ve managed to skip 3 consecutive days.

Intro to Applied Machine Learning is one HELL of a course.

I think I had 10 cups too much tea.

I cannot believe I woke up at 8:45am this morning and ran to my 9am class.

You can observe the ink thickening as I delay my entries.

I consider myself pretty lucky.

Since I’ve made no progress towards my IAML assignment, I’ve decided to write to you instead.

I’ve decided to make slight adjustments to my 10 year plan… [content removed for privacy purposes]

I had my first Pina Coloda tonight.

I need help.

I feel so alone.

In 2 months time I will be 21.

I brought a book today from the National Library… [content removed for privacy purposes]

His name is… [content removed for privacy purposes]

I am not a fan of cold showers.

When I was a kid, I thought L meant losers which was the worst thing to happen to you but growing up, I have found that L could also mean love, loss, loneliness and lots more that are devastating.

It is nearing 5am again.

Bear in mind I am so fucking tired.

I shaved it off today.

I truly can’t pinpoint my unhappiness.

Can you believe it’s almost been 3 months since I’ve been abroad.

It is currently 1am (approx.) and I have to be up by 5am to lead a group of 50 or so people to a castle.

Well, [content removed for privacy purposes] was not as disastrous as it could have been.

I feel bad about forgetting to send [content removed for privacy purposes]’s package now.

What a tragic hoe I am.

I wish I was a small child again.

Can you believe it’s been 8 years since [content removed for privacy purposes].

I’ve done it many times over but I deleted Tinder for good.

You are so full of shit sometimes.

I wanted to book a spontaneous trip to France.


Accidentally booked my flatmates and I a trip to France.

I don’t know why I can’t sleep at night.

Well, I fucked up again today.



I honestly thought I’ll get lucky tonight because it’s 11th of the 11th of the month.

What a weekend it has been.

Today is officially my last day from my social media cleanse break.

I’m back on social media.

I will have officially turned 21 in one month.

I booked my accommodation for Amsterdam today in the midst of my “supposedly” marathon for those 2 IAML assignments.

I’m sitting in bed on a Friday night at 2:55am and I don’t know what I’m doing.

Here is my story.

Oh dear god.

France was very good.

One more day of assignment hell and it’ll all be over.

Can you believe tonight was the last night I had to come home after midnight?

Well, I didn’t fail the Computer Security assignment but it wasn’t honest work either.


Why did I not study tonight?

So we went to Glasgow today.

I’m crying…actually crying right now and it’s not even because of stress.

I’m thinking about making pea soup tomorrow but I do have to go to the grocery store.

I’ve decided tonight that I want to “spontaneously” lose my virginity on my 21st.

I don’t know what I want anymore.

Can you believe my first exam is tomorrow and it’s Computer Security and I’m unbelievably calm for someone who knows absolutely fucking nothing.

It has been an insufferably long day.

It feels strange to still be documenting my life in December.

Consider this: I am royally screwed.

I am so unhappy with my life right now.

Almost wrote 2015…

I am officially no longer 20 anymore.

I think this is contentment I’m feeling.


[content removed for privacy purposes] is such a fucking hypocrite.

I’m worried I might have [content removed for privacy purposes] cancer.

My last exam is tomorrow and I’m currently cramming Datalogs into my head while jamming some instrumental pop music.

Well, it’s done.

For some very strange reason, I can’t sleep today/tonight.

Can you believe in 3 hours, we have to get up and catch a flight to Dublin.

I made it Dublin by myself.

I can’t believe I paid $72.50 to go on a tour to see some cliffs tomorrow.

Turns out [content removed for privacy purposes] had responded about a week ago.

What an awful Christmas this has been.

I’m in Amsterdam right now sleeping in a train.

I’m literally writing this entry by phone screen light.

It’s my final night in Amsterdam.

Well I’m back in [content removed for privacy purpose] one final time.

Well, that’s it.

This is the worst New Year’s ever.

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